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A One Man Army of Saucery needs a helping hand sometimes.

Hattwood Sauce in 2023: 

We are still here (amazingly enough) and always need your support to keep growing and developing.

Hattwood Collage of the Year

The we in Hattwood is small scale royal we, it's actually only me in here. Like the wizard behind the curtain wheezing and pulling to make sauce appear like magick. I am a one man operation and do all the things production, design, transport. purchasing, delivery, sales inventions, etc  So... if I don't do it it don't get done. In that spirit of helping out please do encourage these goodly and saucy endeavours and leave a good word about Hattwood sauce in a word of mouth ok to a friend, post on a review, put pictures on social media - all of these are free, word of mouth is king, giftery is great and even dare I suggest the odd purchase now and again keeps the wheels of industry rollin and pots of sauce bubblin. Thanks!

WebSite is better.
We have made much needed improvements to our web presence with a dedicated e-commerce website, added security features, changed web hosting, created shiny happy new labels & hope to have better packing and shipping. 

Tranny Mission We have made improvements to the physical process and the administration of my business.  Would need a new vehicle transmission soon (right now in fact!) in the Hattwood car-van-mobile-sauce-unit or we won't be going anywhere on the regular!

Donate to the keep Hattwood on the road
If you want to and can donate to help keep the Volvo on the road please do.


Much appreciated! I mostly do my own mechanics but this time the cars transmission repair/replacement is far out of my league. And would detract from some time for sauceing about making new flavors or the reliable ones you know and love already. 

We also added more New York & Brooklyn Hattwood Sauce Stockists and hope to get back out to see friends and y'all at more and more local Farmers Markets in NY, NJ and at Festivals through the summer.

John Munnelly AKA Hattwood Saucy Meister