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Paddys Day Signs & Wonders: Butcher Block

Paddy's Day is Special for Hattwood and Why

TLDR The Butcher Block Queens has the best prices for Hattwood Brown, Yellow and Green. 

I was up in the borough of Queens in the Butcher Block chatting with the Irish owner and we put the whole shelf of Hattwood on a special promo for Padddy's Day and Easter. Get there now before everyone else does and strips the shelves. And you have to get the instore Irish sausages, the Glenree black pudding and if they have it the holy grail of Irishness - bacon ribs! All with Hattwood irish Hot brown Sauce. Unbelievable stuff. Irish sausages are a soft wonder with no added funny business. Other nations have cardboard hard sausages all dry, or they are filled with rando herbs ruining it or bits and pieces of rusky stuff. Irish pork sausages are predominantly meat, with yes some fat for flavor and juiciness and a wee bit of seasoning and filler. Broil them and eat yourself happy. With a bit of the real Irish bread from Foxford.

 Hot peppers from Hattwood wrapped in Shamrock Green Clover. How Lucky is that?

Paddy's Day Listicle:

Paddy's Day is on 17 March, the supposed date of Saint Patrick's death

It's Paddy, never Patty (ugh!) 

Crisps not chips, Tayto or bust, the rest are mere potato dust.

Shamrock has three leaves- never a clover four! Shamrock is Trinitarian: Un, dos, tres! Father, Son & Holy Ghost, the Green, White & Gold of the Tricolor. Got it, good.

Bacon 'n Cabbage if ye can, Corned beef 'n' cabbage will definitely do. Lower East side NY style is grand but "have ye got any Brown sauce?"

Keep your heart green too - let it stay big & soft, don't let Irish compassion for the little ones calcify like it seems to have with various Hannity, O'Reilly & Ryan's into a stiff necked, hard-hearted corporate Minotaur of a different color.

"What is the craic?" - the crack is high spirited fun and a felt 'esprit de human corps' about making the most of life and a night out. eg "The craic was mighty"

Swearing of the Green - Just sticking on a bit of the green and crying crocodile tears over your forebears into a brown liquor isn't enough to qualify. Let us without recourse to scary spirits of hangovers past learn to be like the changed 'Scrooge' and keep Paddy's day well too.

A twit-mhic (an e-amadan?) green to the last 'deoch' (drink). I have seen a few Twitter fight challenges issued because this once-a-year testosterbone Patty-cake insists the number of leaves on a shamrock is ... four! ... hmm. He says his mothers, mother was from Cork. Everyone who doesn't know (or care) where their mothers, mother was from says - "I think it was Cork."

Luck of the Irish? Yeah, I suppose if having Sir Hoorah Wally's hunting boots on your neck for a 1000 years with a good bit of famine, death and exile is lucky, then yeah sure "Begorrah it is great luck altogether."

Barry's Tea - nothing else will do. Irish tae is a 'sacrament' refused at first but then given into. With a biscuit playing the part of the host it becomes a Eucharist of sorts with the call and response as invocation.

- "sure ye will... ahh I can't... sure go on, have a drop... I just called in, I won't be stayin'... just a wee cup to wet your lips before ye go... oh allright, go on"

Irish Eyes are Smiling - they are indeed. Sorry about how this listicle darkened up there - it was really meant to be more bubbles.

Like another Irishman said -

Nevermind the bullet list,
let's all have a great Paddy's day!

By John Munnelly AKA Monsieur Hattwood The Delicious One! 



 © John Munnelly and Hattwood Hot Sauce 2015-2023