Hattwood Sauce Hollers
Healthy Saucy Spice Yum!
Hattwood's and other hot sauces use various hot peppers that contain capsaicin and other cool nutrients that have a good effect on your insides and offer a beneficial kick up the ... well, backside I suppose, to your digestive functions. Sure what is wrong with that? It's all good clean fun down in the tum-tum.
Andy Warhols Hot Sauce Merchandise
Hattwood Sauce Descriptions, Categories and Style: A menu
What is the best Hot Sauce in Brooklyn, New York
R&D Research and Development: Antigua 2022
Mango Sunshine is back
New Years Sauciness in The Land of Hattwood
It is minus 15 C a time of deep mid-winter musings where now turns to glass sheets. It is no time to be out standing at a market stall. So time for free shipping - you buy without any delivery cost and let Hattwood take care of the delivery.
Sounds like a good deal, Win:Win.
Merchandize: Aprons, Tees & Trucker Hats
Eww... Why? Fakery in The Bottle- Let the eater beware!
Eww... Why? Fakery in The Bottle- Let the eater beware!
Down with fake ingredients and weird additives in Hot Sauces! Here are some things you find in other artificial (my words) hot sauces that are never found in Hattwood Hot Sauces: